*BS3692 Lock Nuts

BS3692 Lock Nuts

Across Flat Overall
Across Corner
d s h da e

max min max min max min max min
M8 13.00 12.73 5.0 4.70 8.75 8.00 15.00 14.38
M10 17.00 16.73 6.0 5.70 10.80 10.00 19.60 18.90
M12 19.00 18.67 7.0 6.64 12.96 12.00 21.60 21.10
(M14) 22.00 21.67 8.0 7.64 15.12 14.00 25.40 24.49
M16 24.00 23.67 8.0 7.64 17.28 16.00 27.70 26.75
(M18) 27.00 26.69 9.0 8.64 19.44 18.00 31.20 30.14
M20 30.00 29.67 9.0 8.64 21.60 20.00 34.60 33.53
(M22) 32.00 31.61 10.0 9.64 23.76 22.00 36.90 35.72
M24 36.00 35.38 10.0 9.64 25.92 24.00 41.60 39.98
(M27) 41.00 40.38 12.0 11.57 29.16 27.00 47.30 45.63
M30 46.00 45.38 12.0 11.57 32.40 30.00 53.10 51.28
(M33) 50.00 49.38 14.0 13.57 35.64 33.00 57.70 55.80
M36 55.00 54.26 14.0 13.57 38.88 36.00 63.50 61.31
(M39) 60.00 59.26 16.0 15.57 42.12 39.00 69.30 66.96
M42 65.00 64.26 16.0 15.57 45.36 42.00 75.10 72.61
(M45) 70.00 69.26 18.0 17.57 48.60 45.00 80.80 78.26
M48 75.00 74.26 18.0 17.57 51.84 48.00 86.60 83.91
(M52) 80.00 79.26 20.0 19.48 56.16 52.00 92.40 89.56

Sizes in brackets are non preferred sizes and should be avoided if possible.